Thursday, January 26, 2012

INDIRECT SPEECH : Statement (Kalimat Pernyataan)

                                                                                                                 Unduh di sini
     Oleh : Drs. Tony Sartono Asmara

Perhatikan  kalimat pernyataan langsung berikut ini : 

                        John,  “I lost my pen yesterday.”

Bila kita ingin mengulang kembali pernyataan John untuk disampaikan kepada orang lain, maka di dalam bahasa Indonesia kita katakan :

                        John berkata bahwa dia kehilangan pulpennya kemarin.

Perhatikan pengungkapannya di dalam bahasa Inggris!

                        John said that he had lost his pen the previous day.
                        John told me that he had lost his pen the previous day.

Di dalam  kalimat tidak langsung terdapat  perubahan-perubahan yaitu  pada  kata ganti  (Pronouns), keterangan waktu ( Adverbs of time ) dan pada bentuk  kata  kerja (Tenses). Berikut ini adalah perubahan-perubahannya:

Perubahan kata gantinya adalah sebagai berikut :

Kalimat Langsung                                 Kalimat Tak Langsung


             I              berubah menjadi         he/she
            We           berubah menjadi        they
            You          berubah menjadi         he/she/they atau I/We


            me           berubah menjadi        him/her
            us            berubah menjadi        them
            you          berubah menjadi        him/her/they atau me/us

Kalimat Langsung                                 Kalimat Tak Langsung

      Possessive Adjectives

            my           berubah menjadi        his/her
            our           berubah menjadi        their
            your         berubah menjadi        his/her/their

     Possessive Pronouns

            mine         berubah menjadi       his/hers
            ours          berubah menjadi       theirs
            yours        berubah menjadi       his/hers/theirs atau mine/ours

Perubahan Keterangan waktu (Adverbs of Time)

  Kalimat Langsung                         Kalimat Tak Langsung

  today                                                 that day
  yesterday                                          the day before/the previous day
  the day before yesterday                  two days before
  last week, year, dst.                         the previous week, year dst.
  tomorrow                                          the following day / the next day
  the day after tomorrow                     in two days' time
  next  week,  year, dst.                      the  following week, year, dst.
  a  week, month, ago                         a  week  before / a month before       
                                                           atau the previous week /
                                                           the previous month.
  now                                                  then
  this morning, afternoon                    that morning, that afternoon

Perubahan bentuk kata kerjanya (Tenses)

Kalimat Langsung                                          Kalimat Tidak Langsung

1. Simple Present Tense                                  Simple Past Tense
2. Present Continuous Tense                           Past Continuous Tense
3. Present Perfect Tense                                  Past Perfect Tense
4. Present Perfect Continuous  Tense             Past Perfect Continuous Tense
5. Simple Past Tense                                       Past Perfect Tense
6. Past Continuous Tense                                Past Perfect Continuous Tense
7. Simple Future Tense                                    Conditional
8. Future Continuous Tense                             Conditional Continuous
9. Future Perfect Tense                                    Conditional Perfect
10. Future Perfect Continuous Tense              Conditional Perfect Continuous

Perubahan menjadi kalimat tidak langsung :

  Kalimat Langsung                                        Kalimat Tak Langsung

  1. Simple Present Tense                                  Simple Past Tense

       Mira, `I water the flowers every morning.'
   =  Mira said that she watered the flowers every morning.

  2. Present Continuous Tense                           Past  Continuous Tense

       Mira, `I am watering the flowers now.'
   = Mira said that she was watering the flowers then.

  3. Present Perfect Tense                                 Past Perfect Tense

      Mira, `I have watered the flowers.'
   = Mira said that  she  had watered  the flowers.

  Kalimat Langsung                                        Kalimat Tak Langsung

4. Present Perfect  Continuous  Tense            Past Perfect Continuous
      Mira,  `I have been watering the flowers since 7 o’clock.'  
   = Mira said that she had been watering the  flowers  since  7  o'clock.

5. Simple Past Tense                                        Past  Perfect Tense

      Mira, `I watered the flowers yesterday.'
   = Mira said that she had watered the flowers the previous day.

6.  Past Continuous Tense                                Past  Perfect Continuous

     Mira, `I was watering  the flowers at 7 o`clock yesterday.'
  = Mira said that she had been watering the flowers at 7 o`clock the
     day before

 7. Future Tense                                                 Conditional

       Mira, `I shall water the flowers tomorrow.'
    = Mira said that she would water  the flowers the following day.

 8. Future Continuous Tense                             Conditional Continuous

       Mira,  `I shall be watering the flowers at 7 o`clock  tomorrow.
    = Mira  said that  she would be watering the flowers at 7 o`clock 
       the following day.

 9. Future Perfect Tense                                    Conditional Perfect

       Mira, “I shall have watered the flowers by 7 tomorrow.”
    = Mira said that she would have watered the flowers by 7  
       the following day.

10. Future Perfect Continuous Tense                Conditional Perfect Continuous

       Mira, `I shall  have been watering the flowers for 10 minutes  
       when he comes tomorrow.'
    = Mira said that she would have been watering  the flowers for     
       10 minutes when he came the following day.

11. Modals : can, may,                                     could,  might,
      must/have to/has to                                   had to

        Mira, `I must water the flowers every morning.'
     = Mira said that she had to water the flowers every morning.


Fill in with the correct form of the verb!

1. John ,‘I study English twice a week.’
    John said that he ................... English twice a week
2. Mary ,‘I am cooking in the kitchen now.’
    Mary said that she ......................... in the kitchen then
3. Rudi,’I have done the exercises.’
    Rudi said that he ................... the exercises
4. Yanti,’I went to Jakarta last week.’
    Yanti said that she ..................... to Jakarta the previous week
5. Susi,’I was watching T.V at 8 o’clock last night
    Susi said that she .................................. T.V at 8 o’clock the previous night
6. Nina,’I have been waiting in the room for 5 minutes.’
    Nina said that she ............................ in the room for 5 minutes
7. Bob,’I shall visit the museum tomorrow.’
    Bob said that he ...................... the museum the following day
8. Sandi,’I shall be cooking in the kitchen at 7 tomorrow
    Sandi said that she ............................. in the kitchen at 7 the next day
9. Bram,’I can repair the car if I have time.’
    Bram said that he ........................... the car if he .............. time
10. Budi,’We must study hard if we want to pass the test.’
    Budi said that they ..................... hard if they ............ to pass the test


Change into Indirect speech!

1. Mira,“I have breakfast before I go to school every day.”
2. Rina,“I fetched my children from school late yesterday.”
3. Budi,“I am expecting my friends to see me now.”
4. Father,“I have bought a car for you, Dani.”
5. Mira,“My friends were waiting for me at the party last night.”
6. Deni,“I have been staying in your house for 3 days, Nina.”
7. Lina,“I shall study with my friends in your house, Joko.”
8. Fitri,“We cannot come to your party tonight, Dedi.”
9. Riri, “I will be working with my father this time next year.”
10. Vina,“Our car broke down near your house last night, Bob.”

Selamat Belajar

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